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Aldo Leopold Festival 2019

Visit the registration page on this website for a list of the events. A $5.00 wristband is required for access to all events. Also, visit the website: for additional details.

Les Cheneaux Islands Community Photography — Featuring Carl TerHaar

Les Cheneaux Islands Community Photography will feature the photography of Carl TerHaar and run July 1 through July 30. A reception will be held on July 10 from 5:00 - 7:00 pm for all participants. If you would like to have your photographs/paintings included in the exhibit, please read the instructions below: All photographs/paintings must have […]

Hessel School House Annual Alumni Picnic

All former students and their guests are invited to enjoy an afternoon catching up with classmates and reminiscing. Story telling expected!

Les Cheneaux Islands Community Painting Exhibit — Featuring Diana Grenier

Les Cheneaux Islands Community Painting Exhibit will feature Diana Grenier's boat paintings from August 1 through August 30. A reception will be held on August 7 from 5:00 - 7:00 pm for all participants. If you would like to have your photographs/paintings included in the exhibit, please read the instructions below: All photographs/paintings must have subjects […]

Traditional Native American Art Exhibition

Submissions are requested for a Traditional Native American Art Exhibition Wednesday, September 4 through Thursday, October 31. One piece per artist will be displayed; additional pieces only as space allows. Space for three-dimensional art is limited. Each piece must include the artist’s name, the work’s title, a brief description or history if need be, a price […]

Friends of the Les Cheneaux Area Trails

Learn The Trail Hikes! Fun for Everyone! September 25: 6:00 pm – Munuscong State Forest Campground Meet at the end of the Munuscong State Forest Campground road. October 10: 5:30 pm – DeTour State Forest Campground Meet at campground parking lot. November 14 – Birge Nature Preserve Meet at Hessel School House. Time to be […]

The Art of Mime

Chicago-based mime team T. Daniel and Laurie Willets will offer a lecture and demonstration on the art of mime Wednesday, October 23, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Hessel School House. Interspersed with projected photos, short films, and history, the internationally-acclaimed mime masters will present techniques and short performances. In addition, they will tell […]

Children’s Halloween Carnival

A Halloween carnival for Clark Township children will take place at Hessel School House Saturday, October 26, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Preschool through Grade Five students are encouraged attend. Games, candy, and prizes will be offered. Costumes are encouraged. Participants must be accompanied by an adult. For more information, call (906) 484-1333 or […]

Great Lakes Water Levels Meeting

The public is invited to a meeting focusing on the impact of Great Lakes water levels Tuesday, November 5, from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Hessel School House. Elliot Nelson, instructor for Michigan Sea Grant and MSU Extension, will convey details provided by the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the National Weather […]

Holiday Art Tour 2019

Hessel School House and the Avery Arts & Nature Learning Center will be one location for the Holiday Art Tour on Saturday, December 14, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Photographer Carl TerHaar will be here from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm to discuss his work with the public, and his work will be on […]

Revisiting Summer: Around Lake Superior in Search of Native Orchids

The trip around Lake Superior is well known for rugged scenic beauty on the grandest scale, but there is a much smaller type of beauty hiding in the bogs, forests, rocky cliffs, and dunes of this great lake: native orchids. Join Steve Baker Monday, January 27, from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm at Avery Arts […]
