Historical Class Photos
Can you help us identify the unknown students in these historical photos? If you recognize yourself or another classmate, please message us using the “Contact” page form; we would love to fill in all missing names for each year!

1939-1940 Class Photo
Front Row L-R:
Gene Harrison, Tom McLeod, Bob Nye, Margaret McDonald, Cleo Pope, Shirley Andrews, Joe Andrews, _____?
Back Rows L-R:
_____?, _____?, _____?, _____?, Jim Johnson, Jim Andrews, Wilfred Causley, Dorothy Huffman, _____?, _____?, Ireta Lindberg, _____?, _____?, Martina Mertaugh
1942 Class Photo
Front Row L-R:
_____?, John Eseltine, Dorothy Huffman, Ann Causley, Loretta Mongene, Judy McDonald, Ruth Fenlon, Mary Andrews, Margie Andrews
Back Rows L-R:
_____?, _____?, Jessie Burlew, Helen Lindberg, _____?, _____?, Ireta Lindberg, Dorothy Windsor, Cleo Pope, _____?, _____?, Martina Mertaugh, Billy Walker
1942 Class Photo
Front Row Seated L-R:
Bob Nye, Bill Walker, Harry Rowland, Richard Grove, Leroy Lamoreaux, Buddy Wabeganese, Wilford Causley, Tom McLeod
Second Row L-R:
_____?, John Eseltine, Judy McDonald, Loretta Mongene, Ann Causley, Margie Andrews, Dorothy Huffman, Ruth Fenlon
Back Row L-R:
Dorothy Windsor, Jane Mongene, _____?, Margaret Fenlon, Helen Lindberg, Jesse Berlew, Cleo Pope, Ireta Lindberg, Margaret McDonald, Martina Mertaugh, _____?

1944 Class Photo
Front Row L-R:
Dorothy Mongene, Loretta Mongene, Ruth Eseltine, Elenore Ferguson, Kathleen Andrews, Sally Lindberg, Charlie Nye, Alice Mongene, Lois Harrison, Ray Hansen, Gerald Smith
Back Row L-R:
John Eseltine, Charlie Salters, Margie Andrews, _____?, Mary Ann McLeod, Dorothy Windsor, Jessie Burlew, Helen Lindberg, Mary Andrews, Bill Walker
Absent: Mike McLeod
1945 Class Photo
Front Row L-R:
Lois Harrison, Ruth Eseltine, Mike McLeod, Mary Sue Lindberg
Middle Row L-R:
Sally Lindberg, Kathleen Andrews, _____?, _____?, Gerald Smith, Charlie Nye, _____?
Back Row Standing L-R:
Ray Hansen, Dorothy Mongene, Loretta Mongene

1947 Class Photo
Front Row L-R:
Elenore Ferganson, Ruth Eseltine, Lois Harrison, Judy McDonald, Gerald Smith, Ray Hansen
Middle Row L-R:
Mike McLeod, Kathleen Andrews, Sally Lindberg, John Eseltine, Charlie Salters, _____?, Charlie Nye
Back Row L-R:
Margie Andrews, Ann Causley, Cleo Pope, _____?, Jessie Burlew, Dorothy Windsor, Mary Andrews, Loretta Mongene, Bill Walker
1950 Class Photo — Big Room
Front Row L-R:
Paul McDonald, Roger Gill, Dorothy Mongene, Joe Mongene, _____?, Harold Grouch, Ray Greg, Ray Hansen, Elmer Lamoreaux
Middle Row L-R:
Glen Andrews, Mike Osogwin, Donald Huffman, Ronald Huffman, Joan Andrews, Ruth Eseltine, Jim Huffman, Marie Harrison
Back Row L-R:
Beatrice Mongene, Joan Poglese, Maurice Daniels, Maurice Carr, Janet Shinosky, Mary Sue Lindberg, Nancy Knoy, Stanley Brenick, Bud Mathews, Mr. Mitchell (teacher)
Absent: George Andrews

1954 Class Photo — Little Room
Front Row L-R:
Maggie Smith, _____?, Francis Smith, _____?, Brenda Kerr
Middle Row L-R:
Carl Lockhart, Roy Goguin, _____?, Melba Gill
Top Row L-R:
Art Causley, Doug Ehle, Clifford Simmons, Susie Nye, _____?, Patrick Simmons?
Standing L-R:
Connie Mathews, Penny Nye